For this Application, which you will begin this week and complete by the end of next week, you are asked to analyze a core policy about health or healthcare. Examples might include policies on scope of practice for healthcare practitioners or on health insurance for children. After selecting your policy, locate resources to help you understand the specifics of it, including how its programs are organized and financed, how the services are delivered, and, generally, how well the policy has been implemented to date.
Make sure to select a policy on which you can focus in some detail. If you choose to analyze the policy on insurance for poor children, for example, you will soon discover that this policy differs from state to state, so you might wish to focus primarily on your state's policy. Search Walden Library's databases to find an article explaining the background on this policy—the journal Health Affairs, for example, frequently publishes summaries on initiatives in child health insurance.
In addition, learn about the pros and cons of this policy by locating opinion statements issued by state or national organizations, such as the American Hospital Association (AHA) or American Medical Association (AMA). Many of these organizations have Web sites in which they not only explain their perspective or opinion on a policy but also have legislative sections with commentary on policy proposals currently under consideration in government.
To analyze this core policy, it is important that you gather this breadth of information. In your paper, you must cite the following: * At least two articles, Web sites, or other credible and neutral sources providing analysis of this core policy; at least one of these sources must be a peer-reviewed article. * At least two opinion statements from stakeholders regarding the policy. To find these, consider who the stakeholders would be. AMA, for example, has an important stake in whether or