Sinus Bradycardia is a sinus rhythm with a resting heart rate of sixty beats per minute or less. One’s normal heart rate ranges from sixty to one hundred beats per minute, your heart rate is considered to be slower than normal if your heart rate is less than sixty beats per minute. During a normal heartbeat, an electrical signal is sent from the heart’s sinus node. The sinus node acts as a natural pacemaker located in the upper portion of the right atrium. The sinoatrial node produces electrical impulses that initiate each heartbeat. From the sinus node, the heart beat signal is sent to the atrioventricular node. After the heartbeat has traveled through the antrioventricular node, it is then sent through a bundle of His to the muscles. His is a series of heart-muscle fibers. At often times a highly active athlete can experience a heart rate of fifty beats per minute and show no signs of Sinus Bradycardia. This is because regular exercise has shown to improve the heart’s ability to pump blood.…
4.Draw an ECG wave form representing one heartbeat. Label the P,QRS, and T wavws: P-R interval; the S-T segment, and the Q-T interval.…
With the patient in the supine position after adequate prepping and draping of the left supraclavicular infraclavicular areas at 18-gauge needle was inserted in the left subclavian vein. A guide wire was passed through the needle and directed into the right atrium under fluoroscopy. The needle was removed and the incision was made in encompassing the puncture site. The dilator and introducer were passed over the wire. The wire and the dilator were removed and the catheter was threaded through the introducer into the upper portion of the right atrium. Using tunneler than a tunnel was made to a chosen exit site. We had placed a red dot in the general vicinity of the exit site. The catheter was threaded on the tunneler and pulled through the subcutaneous tunnel and out the exit site. The syringe adapters were placed on each tubing and secured with the locking sleeve. Blood could be aspirated and instill through each one easily. Each channel was flushed with heparin solution 100 units per cubic centimeter. A butterfly sleeve was placed on the catheter just distal to the exit site and it was secured to the skin with 2-0 silk sutures. The catheter was secured to the sleeve with a 2-0 silk tie. The course of the catheter was under fluoroscopy showed no evidence of caking. The look also appeared expanded the infraclavicular incision was clothed with interrupted 0 silk suture. Addressing was applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was sent to the recovery room in stable condition.…
Type the number of the following structures using the numbered lines in the diagram in the lab book of a cross section of the kidney:…
Have an electrocardiogram (ECG) to evaluate your heart’s rhythm and look for abnormalities in the heart’s electrical system(cardiosmart,2013).…
Since 1932, cardiac arrhythmias have been treated by the use of pacemakers. According to the article, “The Evolution of Pacemakers”, “An artificial pacemaker is a device that delivers a controlled, rhythmic electric stimulus to the heart muscle in order to maintain an effective cardiac rhythm for long periods of time” (Sandro A.P. Haddad, 2006). In the earliest stages, pacemakers were quite primitive but evolved to become much more practical in size, weight and mobility.…
_____10. The vaccinations that an animal is injected with could be dead, modified live or live to provide the proper protection.…
A medical microbiology lab performs testing on human samples collected from different body sites. The tests are used to detect and identify any microorganisms capable of causing disease.…
Tell the students that a very important part of vital signs is observing the patient, asking the patients how they feel and if they experience any pain for this has an effect on the vital…
It is important to make bank deposits as soon as possible because as your office has bills to pay there needs to be sufficient funds to cover all expenses. Also your office does not want to wait depositing any checks because they person who wrote the check might not be good with their money. If the check is not deposited in a couple of day the person who wrote it might spend the money thinking they had more than they really did. The less time you cash deposits remain in the office the less time someone dishonest would to steel money as well.…
As I’m sure, we as a class know by now that an Electrocardiogram or Ekg / Ecg for short is a graphic representation of the electrical activity of the heart using a chosen number of different leads with each lead looking at the heart from a different angle(I.E a 12 lead EKG looks at the heart from 12 different angles). The interpretation of an electrocardiogram is based on knowing what each lead is looking at, which individual lead to look at in certain circumstances and what changes to look for in each individual lead.…
Diagnosing for arrhythmia, what happens to begin with, is the specialist's first take a gander at your history to check whether it could really be feasible for you to have this. They generally search for coronary illness, hypertension, ailment, and wellbeing issues. At that point in the wake of looking over your history they do a physical exam. Nothing excessively distinctive when they do a physical exam, specialist's simply listen to your heart beat and mood to hear if…
CMA is a certified medical assistant. A CMA is certified by the certifying board of the AAMA.…
Medical Assisting is the major I have chosen here at ECPI school of technology. I chose this career because it has always been a passion of mine to work in the medical field and I feel Medical Assisting is a good start in advancing in the future with my medical career.…
My first rotation was Family medicine and on the very first day I was very much impressed and motivated by the direct involvement of doctors with the patients. The environment the ideology all attracted me and I enjoyed and enhanced many important traits like communication, compassion and counseling.…