Aivin V. Pagan
Hodges University
HSA 2000
Dr. Anderson
February 24, 2013
Medical Assistant Being a Medical Assistant you have to worry about a lot. You have to know your job really good and be careful at what you do. I as a medical assistant would avoid a lot of things. I would make sure that I communicate with the patients and make sure they understood everything clearly. Poor communication between the patients and medical assistants may result in many misunderstandings and misguided expectations. I would always take the time to explain the diagnosis, treatment, and precautions. According to Canale, “risk managers, insurers, and malpractice attorneys all believe that the quality of the doctor- patient relationship is the primary factor in determining whether a patient will sue his or her physician”,(2013). Good manners will decrease a lot of issue. Taking your time to explain and answer questions to the patients will explain a lot of things According to Canale, “86 percent of cases are ruled in favor of physician, and only 1 percent is ruled in favor of the plaintiff. I would not alter medical records at all. Altering any kind of medical record, even if it’s done innocently can enable the plaintiff’s lawyer to be sure that something was wrong. As soon as I find out that I have made a mistake on any record I would let someone know that I have made a mistake. I would ask how to correctly fix the issue. Everything in a medical record can be used against you; I would read everything in the entire record. (Heath, 2006, p. 23) That way I am aware of everything going on with the patient. I would make sure that before I start working in an area that I know the standard operator procedures and make sure that I ask any questions about it if I have concerns. If I am following the SOP I am sure that I will not be worried about any lawsuits. If I make a mistake I will report it to some one because at the end of the day it will