My mother has always been my inspiration. At a young age my mother came to the US, she had no knowledge of the language much less of the way of life out here. Although the language barrier she managed to meet and marry my dad.
My mother quickly found out that America wasn't all it seemed. She married and then struggled to provide for me and my father. He was a spoiled American kid, in my mothers words, with opportunities only dreamed of by my mother. She stuck it out and had me and my sister. Later she divorced from my dad and provided for us all by herself. She started working at South Chicago hospital as a housekeeper when I was only 6 wks old.
Since then she has held her job and worked two, even three jobs to provide for me and my sister. The road has been long but she tells me she never regrets it. She has been stable and living proof that it can be done. My mother did it without any education and it was a foreign land to her. She now has bought and paid for her home and a condo in Florida, and has always helped and provided for me, my sister, and her grandchildren. My mother is my idol. I wish she could see the impact and structure she has instilled on my life. I am so proud to have such a dedicated and hardworking mother. She inspires me to do the impossible. If she can overcome all the odds then I can at least try to.