Chantay Woodley
HCS/235 Health Care Delivery in the US
November 18, 2013
Michelle Crakes
Interview with a Medical Director
In this interview the subject will be my physician for sleep apnea. Being diagnosed in back in 2010 it has been a constant struggle with this respiratory disease she has been a God sent to me. Dr. Amy R. Blanchard, a 19 year veteran in multiple fields including; pulmonary, sleep, critical care and internal medicines as well as graduated in 1994 from what was then the Medical College of Georgia, now her employer Georgia Regents University has impacted lives all across the C.S.R.A. with the expertise this chronic disorder that stricken those who suffer from it (, …show more content…
Meet the Doctor
Medical director of the MCG Sleep Disorder Center, Dr.
Amy R. Blanchard is one of the most prestigious physicians in her field. Having almost over a double decade of experience including receiving her bachelors of science from the university of Georgia as well as being certified in critical care, sleep, internal and pulmonary medicines, she also holds other titles such as the associate professor of medicine to completing her residency for internal medicine in 1997 and later in 2000 doing her fellowship in pulmonary/critical care also at MCG.
At the age of 46, Dr. Blanchard has obtained accomplishments and certifications, from recognition from the governor of Georgia thru the American college of chest physicians to achieving the director of the medical intensive care unit to her present position that gives her the discretion to practice anywhere in Georgia though her passion is to continue being a influential part of her hometown of Augusta (, 2013).
Primary Job …show more content…
As the director, Dr. Blanchard is in charge of the direct as well as the ongoing testing that the facility conducts on its patience’s. She has to assure that all staff is adequately trained whether professional of technical in accordance with the rules and regulations of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Along with the assurance of the staff, she also may or may not have to oversee educational seminars that may consist of topics about the sleep medicines and equipment and its proper use. Dr. Blanchard is also in charge of reviewing the quality of the program by quarterly reports and still may be subject to sit in as certified sleep specialist thru various sleep studies even if not the primary physician (, 2013).
Me: What is sleep apnea disease or sleeping disorder?
Dr.: Often time sleep apnea is overlooked and isn’t considered to be a threat due to it mostly being diagnosed in individuals with weight and obesity issues. However it is a condition as to where while sleeping the airways are either constricted or blocked causing the breathing pattern to be disrupted. This in turn causes daytime drowsiness and a lack of proper rest.
Me: Is there a specific age group that suffers from sleep apnea?
Dr.: Studies have shown that more than 18 million American adults alone suffer from obstructed sleep apnea, and no there is not a certain age group nor gender hat this disorder is more common in comparison to any others. Studies have also shown that it could be derived genetically it is most commonly found in those patients who are indeed obese and or known for habitual snoring.
Me: What are the educational requirements to hold this position?
Dr.: Of course the basic education is required amongst meeting the AASM accreditation are far as licensing and being board certified in sleep medicine. ‘The certifications that I obtained gave me the stability that my employers were looking for in a manager’ (Blanchard, 2013).
Me: Are there any personal reason you chose this position?
Dr.: As a matter of fact there isn’t. It has just been a passion of mine to give back to the community and I always dreamed of being a nurse, I never knew what type of nurse but as my career path took off I was kind of indirectly chosen for the field that I am in. It gives me a sense of pleasure to know that one patient at a time we, my colleagues and I are making a difference in the way people breathe.
Me: What are similar positions in the organization?
Dr.: There really isn’t a position similar to a pulmonologist seeing as how it specifically deals with the respiratory system functions, however each position in the medical field is just as important as the other or it wouldn’t exist. There are specialists for just about every part of the body these days and all of our duties are detrimental.
Me: What is the most important attribute of your success?
Dr.: Well the most important attribute would have to be the rate of success that we have acquired over the years with assisting the patients who has to live with disorder as well as coming to a crossroads where the patients actually are relieved from this awful epidemic permanently.
Me: Where do you see your career path in the next five years?
Dr.: (laughs), well the way the economy is going I will be glad to have a job. Seriously, I feel as though as long as there is obesity in the United States there is going to always be a moderate to high demand for the position entitled to me. There have been individuals on separate occasions that have been diagnosed with some type of problem sleeping; lack of proper rest also leads to hypertension which is also a high threat to the
In conclusion, if it weren’t for those dedicated to curing obstructive sleep apnea as my physician then individuals suffering from this commonly known or perhaps even genetically fueled disorder like myself could be stricken or prone to developing other diseases such as hypertension, asthma, and pulmonary fibrosis or even lung cancer. It is evident that her specialty is important to society seeing as how studies have shown that in over 18 million American adults alone are affected by this disorder. Treatments vary depending upon the severity of the case and each case is unique, henceforth has to be monitored thru sleep studies to determine the methods needed to treat the symptoms that are impairing the individuals who unfortunately have to live with respiratory disorders and or diseases.
AASM. (2013). Responsibilities of the Medical Director, Sleep Specialist and other Professional Staff. Retrieved November 10, 2013 from the website, (2013). Welcome to Amy Blanchard Retrieved November 09, 2013 from the website,
Blanchard. A. (2013). Interview. Retrieved November 08, 2013. (2013). Georgia Regents Medical Center Online Physician Directory. Retrieved November 10, 2013 from the website,