Proposition: California’s health department should keep the cap on medical malpractice damages at 250,000 dollars.
Specific purpose: At the end of my speech, my audience will raise awareness, write a letter to the local representative.
I. Open with Impact: The negligent act by a health care provider, in which it causes the patient harm in any way is called medical malpractice.
II. Central Idea: Lawyers are trying to push the reform of raising the medical mal practice cap from 250,000 dollars to 1.1million dollars
III. Credibility and goodwill: You may be asking how this pertains to you, but hopefully by the end of my speech today I will inform you the harm of raising the cap on medical malpractice.
IV. Preview of Main …show more content…
If California raises their cap, many doctors and other health care professional will move to states with lower malpractice insurance rates. This could cause you to lose your doctor.
C. (Refutation) So you may be asking who wanted this reform to happen. If it will just cost us. The uplifting on the cap is for you only for one reason to make it easier for lawyers to sue doctors. When you uplift the cap, you automatically increase trial lawyer profits.
D. Ashish Chandra, one of the authors from Consumer Health Complete, an online journal, contends that increasing the cap will drive doctors to be on top of their game when practicing medicine. How? Let me tell you, when cost for tort malpractice is higher or increased, doctors and other health professionals such as nurses and PA are aware that every incision, shot or suture could potentially run the risk of costing them 1.1 million dollars on top of jeopardizing their reputation and their career.
a. According to her article she states that the raising of the cap will hold doctors accountable when they commit negligence by adjusting 250,000 on pain and suffering, stating that it will save lives, and all in all do the state