A debatable topic in the United States has been the talk of making Marijuana legal for medicinal purposes. Included in the legalization of marijuana contains the right to sell, grow, use or buy marijuana. The origin of marijuana, cannabus satiba, came from Eastern Europe, India and Iran. Marijuana is the dried blossom of cannabis sativa and cannabis indica plants, leafy annual plants with parts that are used for as herbs, animal food, medicine and as hemp for rope-making. The flowers have psychoactive and physiologically active chemical mixtures called cannabinoids that are used for recreational, medicinal, and spiritual purposes. The drug is commonly used because of the main chemical Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which induces relaxation and heightens the brain of the person smoking it. “data reported in the national household survey on drug abuse indicate that 37% of US residents ages twelve and older use marijuana at least once in their lifetime. The survey also revealed that a significant percentage of teenagers and younger adults use marijuana-20% of individuals ages twelve to seventeen and 50% of individual’s age eighteen to twenty-five use the drug at least once. Marijuana use among high school students is a particular problem. Nearly half (48%) of high school seniors in the United States use the drug at least once in their lifetime and 22% use the drug in the past month according to the University of Michigan’s monitoring the future survey.” (National Drug Intelligence Center, 2006) There is sufficiently enough proof why marijuana should be legal in the United States. A few examples would be medicinal use where marijuana can be used as a medicine since it helps to stimulate an appetite, and relieve nausea in cancer and aids patients, hemp since it’s a valuable natural resource and legalizing this so called drug marijuana would remove misunderstanding over hemp and will allow us to benefit
References: Federal government wrong in its marijuana crackdown. (2011, October 19). Daily News,A.11. Retrieved April 9, 2012, from ProQuest Newsstand (2006). GROWING PRACTICES. ABA Journal, 92, 22-23. Retrieved April 9, 2012, from ABI/INFORM Global Elliott, S., 2012, Going Green: Legalizing Marijuana Is The Best Thing for America, http://www.tokeofthetown.com/2012/04/going_green_legalizing_marijuana_is_the_best_ thing.php Miron, J., 2012 Budgetary Implications of Marijuana Prohibition in the United States, http://www.prohibitioncosts.org/index.html Miceli, M., 2012, Legalizing Marijuana Can Help Economy, http://www.collegian.psu.edu/archive/2009/03/16/legalizing_marijuana_can_help.aspx Mosser, K., 2010 Ethics and Social Responsibility