My first reason that medical marijuana should be legal in all states is because it helps with the side effects of chemotherapy. There is a chemical in Cannabis (cannabis is medical marijuana with a different name), that helps with the side effects of chemo and does make cancer patients feel better. And that chemical- cannabinoids- they help to slow growth of brain tumors and can prevent diabetes. It makes broken bones heal faster, it can help with depression, and it treats autism. It is a safer alternative than
drugs and alcohol because you can get cannabis from a medical store that sells meds to people and because it is safer choice because there is so many alcohol related deaths. (25392 related deaths)
My second reason is that it regulates seizures in medical science it says that cannabis can regulate seizures and people with epilepsy has shown immense promises by using cannabis. It can improve lung health because when people are smoking they can get lung problems but when you add cannabis too it makes it better to use because regress it when cannabis is added to the mix. And it can slow the growth of alzheimer’s disease.
My third reason is that it helps skin condition and helps you lose weight because it manages your caloric intake and helps there efficiently. It can also control muscle spasms. It also helps with individual eating disorders because it regulates you food intake.
I think medical marijuana should be legal because of it helps with your skin conditions and it can regulate seizures in medical science and lastly it can help with the side effects of chemotherapy and is safer the other pharmaceuticals.