The Marijuana dispensary in Graham and the pro-medical marijuana organizations maintain the lists of the doctors who recommend medical marijuana. The doctors want this even by paying money for that. The doctor's recommendation is valid till the doctor treat the patient and he trusts that the patient will use this only as a cure for his disease. The patients simply present their ID card in the Marijuana dispensary in Graham. There they can join the dispensary as a member. They buy various marijuana products, herbal marijuana and prepared foods like cookies, butter etc. There is no standard limit of marijuana intake, it depends an on the patient how much marijuana he or she can have. …show more content…
The dispensaries provide a cure to the patients suffering from 250 different ailments like anxiety, depression, migraines, autism and so on. It also helps in curing nausea that is caused by chemotherapy. There are many other benefits of medical marijuana. For instance it slows the blindness that is caused due to glaucoma. Also it is important to note that there are no side-effects related to these treatments with marijuana till now. The marijuana has been the effective medicine ever from the past 6,000