Keith Reese
Jennifer Preus
Medical Marijuana Laws and their Effects In 1936, George Herliman produced the propaganda film “Tell Your Children”, later
titled “Reefer Madness”(“IMBD”, 1990-2014). This film, financed by a church group to display
the exaggerated consequences of marijuana usage, was intended to inspire fear in parents and
children alike. Though marijuana legalization has become a front burner topic, one would
assume that our technological advances would invoke more rational responses from the general
public seeking facts to support claims. However, the same type of fear induced media messages
are employed today by anti-marijuana groups and politicians to sway public opinion. Contrary to
the seemingly credible publications throughout the media, the legalization of marijuana, medical
or recreational, does not increase crime.
As the debate regarding the legalization of marijuana, both medicinal and recreational,
has heated up, several groups have been formed to speak out about the perceived consequences.
Former Congressman Patrick Kennedy has co-founded the anti-marijuana group, Project SAM,
with Kevin Sabet who also is the director of the organization. After the Justice Department
allowed Colorado and Washington to move forward with their respective marijuana legislation,
Kennedy claimed, “we can look forward to more drugged driving accidents, more school drop-
outs, and poorer health outcomes as a new Big Marijuana industry, targeting kids and minorities,
emerges to fuel the flames.” Sabet added, “This is disappointing, but it is only the first chapter in
the long story about marijuana legalization in the U.S. In many ways, this will quicken the
realization among people that more marijuana is never good for any community...” (Dolan, 2004-
2013). The Citizens Against Legalizing Marijuana, or CALM, states
References: IMBD. (1990-2014). Retrieved from Dolan, E. (2004-2013). The Raw Source. Retrieved from Newman, T. (2014). AlterNet. Retrieved from NORML. (2014). Retrieved from NORML. (2014). Retrieved from Murphy, S Altieri, E. (2014). NORML. Retrieved from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. (2014). Retrieved from Lopatto, E. (2014). Forbes. Retrieved from