Discussions Important
It is important to discuss the case for medical marijuana in the the state, explains a Dallas veteran that keeps her use secret. More and more veterans are coming forward in Dallas to discuss this
In regard to the Simple Possession of Small Quantities Of Marijuana Decriminalization Amendment Act of 2013, I have one recommendation that would assist in strengthening the legislation. I pose that the policy administration expunge the records of individuals with prior convictions of possession of less than one ounce of marijuana. Since the act aims to prevent disproportionate arrest rates amongst District residents (mainly African-Americans) in addition to decreasing collateral consequences (e.g., criminal records, losing employment, losing financial aid, losing property, etc.), I believe it is equally fair to give those convict in the past a second chance. For the individuals formerly convicted contributed heavily to the statistics used…
The patient is a 40 year old female who presented to the ED acutely psychotic. The patient denies suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, and symptoms of psychosis. Per-documentation the patient reports was stating very inappropriate statements to hospital staff. Patient reports no depression symptoms.…
Bostwick MD, J. Michael. “Blurred Boundaries: The Therapeutics and Politics of Medical Marijuana” Mayo Clinic Proceedings Volume 87 Issue 2. February 2012: pages 172-186. Print.…
How would you feel if you had a degenerative disease and the one medicine that helped you the most was not allowed to be prescribed to you and was also illegal for you to obtain? That is the case for many Multiple Sclerosis(MS)patients today. MS affects patients in many different ways, but medical marijuana (Cannibis) can help releive the symptoms of MS in these patients, if only it was legal to prescribe.…
Marijuana has become a big issue in today’s healthcare settings because even though healthcare professionals find it right that their patients use medical marijuana not all people find it appropriate. In my position I am for the fact that it’s much more effective to use medical marijuana than any prescription that is prescribed to a patient. Then with the whole point of medical marijuana being used by many patients there is laws that apply to the situation which at times I find it not fair under some circumstances. Ethics and professional codes of conduct impact medical marijuana because at times the two morals do not go with each other. As we all should also know is that a patients’ rights to privacy and confidentiality is very important in healthcare and if not met can include consequences for the medical professional that did not meet the standards.…
Why should marijuana be legalized? Marijuana can be argued for different reasons. In my case I will be arguing the medical purposes for legalizing marijuana. Marijuana has positive features, and how people prefer using marijuana. Marijuana helps individuals get through a variety of things that they suffer. Marijuana provides relief from pain, rather than other medications out there. Many individuals prefer marijuana over anything else to relax. An argument on why people using marijuana spend more time in jail than actual criminals. So you can say the greatest risk of using marijuana is the risk of arrest. Marijuana should be legalized at the federal law for medical purposes.…
The term "marijuana" is a word with indistinct origins. Some believe it is derived from the Mexican words for "Mary Jane"; others hold that "marijuana" comes from. the Portuguese word marigu-ano which means "intoxicant" (Geller and Boas, 1969: 14). This section outlines the many and varied uses of marihuana through history, and deals with its use in medicine and its use as an intoxicant. The experience of the 1960's might lead one to surmise that marihuana use spreads explosively. The chronicle of its 3,000 year history, however, shows that this "explosion" has been characteristic only of the contemporary scene.…
A growing number of states have adopted medical marijuana legislation in light of the many benefits that cannabis has shown to have in treating a number of medical conditions. Traditional medication has failed to produce the results that patients have expected in treating conditions such as severe epilepsy. South Carolina has joined with other medical marijuana states in allowing its citizens to have safe access to medical marijuana for treating the depilating condition. Six-year-old Mary Louise of South Carolina, who suffers from intractable epilepsy, has experience incredible results using CBD cannabis oil treatment since the establishment of the state’s medical marijuana legislation.…
Many medical conditions induce a loss of appetite. In the medical literature, this is known as anorexia. Some people may suffer from what’s termed cachexia, a wasting of the body due to the illness. It may also present with a lack of appetite.…
If something does more good ,than bad ,then is it truly bad? This is the case with marijuana. The United States groups marijuana in with much harsher drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and other opiates which are proven to lead to death. The federal government fails to realize the benefits which marijuana provides. These benefits range from helping the medical field expand into cheaper and more beneficial solutions to helping solve financial issues for state and federal governments. This implementation would be unnerving however most states have already legalized marijuana and their results provide a great pathway for a full legalization. Medical marijuana should be legal because it has legitimate medical uses,…
Medical Marijuana has found its place once again as the medical plant that is recognized for its healing potential and properties. How the Government has suppressed its positive potential and healing powers for over 25 years. With the help from many patients, loved ones, research departments and advocate groups to get the Government’s attention to see and understand that the terminally ill and the sick should not be treated as common criminals. They are only trying to find some peace and serenity in their last days. The struggle and fight that has been going on for the last 25 years against the Government. The people were finally heard, with the legalization of Medical Marijuana.…
The use of "Medical Marijuana" has been a controversial issue for thousands of years. The debate over whether marijuana should be legalized has long troubled American citizens. However, long before America was even an idea, many cultures had harnessed the plant and used it for many primitive medical purposes. Approximately twenty-three states in the U.S. have legalized marijuana for medical treatments, but this is a relatively new idea in the United States. ProCon.org. (2014, November 13). Marijuana was not always deemed as an illegal substance act 1 and because of its inherent medical value should be legalized at the federal level.…
For over a decade patients and distributors of medical marijuana have battled the federal government for their right to use marijuana for its medicinal qualities. Although marijuana use is against federal law, medical marijuana has been permitted in sixteen states by a majority vote. The conflict between state and federal law has ignited a large conflict regarding medical marijuana and has resulted in the prosecution of many who use and distribute medical marijuana. Supporters of medical marijuana believe that the effects of using marijuana provide cancer patients and people with HIV with pain relief that is superior to alternative drugs. The long list of adversaries to medical marijuana use includes the federal government, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and some doctors. Adversaries to medical marijuana deny the effectiveness of the drug for medicinal purposes, and believe medical marijuana has a negative impact on the illegal drug trade. The evidence presented will display the benefits marijuana has to its patients and will prove that the use of medical marijuana should be legalized by the federal government.…
Physicians are always finding ways to better treat their patients. A well-known controversy in today’s society is the use of medical marijuana. Already 28 states of 50 have allowed its citizens to use medical marijuana when prescribed by a physician. However, it is still a controlled substance and a level 1 illegal drug. “In June 2011, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) denied a petition to reschedule marijuana and reiterated that there was no scientific or medical evidence to support such a move (Marcoux, 2013).”…
Understanding the benefits of medical marijuana use may help shed some light on the position of supporters. The fear of legal repercussions from the Federal Government is considered a mitigating factor in medical marijuana adoption. There are many valid arguments for and against the legalization of this substance. There are even arguments between supporters. Some wish for complete decriminalization, while others hope for a limited access policy with government oversight.…