Medical textiles, also known as biomedical textiles, are textile products and constructions for medical and biological uses, e.g., first aid, clinical, or hygienic purposes. (SASMIRA, 2007)
The term medical textile literally means textile used for medical purposes. Textile apart from being a vital part human life is long since been used in medical field, though the term has been coined very recently. Textile materials have wide range properties such as flexibility, elasticity, strength etc. Textiles used for medical purposes should be non-allergic, non-carcinogenic, non-toxic, and antistatic in nature, optimum fatigue endurance, biocompatibility, flame proof, dyes must be non-irritant. An important and growing part of the textile industry is the medical and related health care and hygiene sectors. The extent of the growth is due to the constant improvements and innovations in both textile technology and medical procedures. (Yogita Agrawal (Associate Prof), 2008)
Combination of textile technology and medical sciences has resulted into a new field called medical textiles. New areas of application for medical textiles have been identified with the development of new fibres and manufacturing technologies for yarns and fabrics. Development in the field of textiles, either natural or manmade textiles, normally aimed at how they enhance the comfort to the users. Development of medical textiles can be considered as one such development, which is really meant for converting the painful days of patients into the comfortable days. (Chet Ram Meena)
Medical textiles are one of the most rapidly expanding sectors in the technical textile market, according to reports, and hosiery products with medical industry applications are among a long list of textile products being consumed in that market.
An important field of application of textile in medicine has been developed such as wound care and preventing chronic wounds. Bandages and wound dressings are most commonly
Bibliography: A. Richard Horrocks, S. C. (2000). Handbook of technical textiles. Woodhead Publishing. AG, C. T. (2010). Patent No. EP2177156. AMIR, A Anand, S. (2006). Medical textiles and biomaterials for healthcare. Woodhead publishing in textiles. ARKANSAS, U. O. (2010). Patent No. US20100114263. US. Bartels, V. T. (2011). Handbook of Medical Textiles. Woodhead Publishing. D, D. S. (2010). Patent No. US20100229878. US. DEVELOPMENT, A. (2009). Patent No. US20090264969. US. LTD, B. S. (2010). Patent No. EP2146592. Nathany, A OY, P. E. (2010). Patent No. US20100130846. US. PatentAlert. (2010). Innovations in medical textiles. S C Anand, U SARAH, H. (2008). Patent No. US20080201827. US. SASMIRA. (2007). MEDICAL TEXTILES. MUMBAI. SEARETE. (2010). Patent No. US20100280416. US.