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India is becoming one of the favourite destinations for Medical tourism globally. Indian medical tourism is drawing the attention of foreigners with its core competencies. India offers a wide array of services in this field right from providing holistic healthcare services to cultural warmth. It would require a strong support from the Government and proper coordination between various players in this industry – hospitals, airline operators & hotels in order to survive the stiff competition from other countries. It is necessary to identify the different segments of people coming to our country for medical tourism so as to cater to their specific needs. Moreover, the projection of India as an unhygienic country along with other poor ranking is affecting this industry negatively. Proper branding of the country by stressing on its unique aspects of healthcare addressing mind, body & spirit would grab the attention of people. It is also required to maximise customer satisfaction by improving quality. There should also be a proper feedback system to ensure their health condition after treatment. India has a bright future in the field of medical tourism. It has got an added advantage over its major competitor Thailand because strengthening baht has made Thailand’s medical tourism less attractive along with the political and natural disturbance faced by the country. To tap the immense opportunity in this field, proper planning and implementation of ideas is necessary
The study also provides a deep insight into the Indian medical tourism market and evaluates the past, present and future scenario of the medical tourism market. It discusses the key factors which are making India an attractive medical tourism destination.
Medical tourism is a growing sector in India. India’s medical tourism sector is
References: Josef D. Woodman (2008), Healthy Travel Media Patients, Beyond Borders: Everybody 's Guide to Affordable, World-Class Medical Tourism . David Hancock (2006), the Complete Medical Tourist. retrieved from – 18th Feb 2012