Colorado Technical University
Medicare Fraud occurs when someone intentionally falsifies information or deceives Medicare ( Strike force accused ninety-four people across the U.S. The charges are based on several fraud schemes including Physical Therapy schemes, Healthcare schemes, HIV infusion schemes, and durable medical equipment schemes (Long-Term Living, Aug.2010, vol.59 issue 8, p10-10,8/9p). These schemes exceeded $225 million in false billings, which resulted in the largest health care fraud crackdown to date. Although Medicare Fraud has been around for years, it seems to be becoming more prevalent in recent times.
Medicare doesn’t just affect a certain group of people; it affects us all in one shape or form. Our society deserves to know who is behind these schemes, what the government plans to do to correct the situation, and learn how to prevent them from becoming a victim of Medicare Fraud. Many people fall victim of these horrible schemes are never even aware of the situation.
Medicare Fraud is presented in many different ways. Some examples of Medicare Frauds are: A healthcare provider bills Medicaid for services and equipment you never received, someone uses another person’s Medicare card for services or equipment, a company offers a Medicare drug plan that hasn’t been approved by Medicare, a company uses false information, etc. ( Medicare fraud causes increases in taxes, decreases in Medicare benefits, and an overall feeling of distrust in the health system among citizens. .
Ku, L., & Pervez, F. (2010). Documenting citizenship in Medicaid: the struggle between ideology and evidence. Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law, 351(1). 5-28.
King, G., Nielsen. R., Coberley, C., Pope, J. E. / & Wells, A. (2011). Avoiding Randomization Failure in Program Evaluation, with application to Medicare Health Support Program. Population
References: Ku, L., & Pervez, F. (2010). Documenting citizenship in Medicaid: the struggle between ideology and evidence. Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law, 351(1). 5-28. King, G., Nielsen. R., Coberley, C., Pope, J. E. / & Wells, A. (2011). Avoiding Randomization Failure in Program Evaluation, with application to Medicare Health Support Program. Population Health Management, 14S-11-s-22, doi: 10.1089/pop. 2010.0074. Wilson, T. (2008). Enough Is Enough. Homecare Magazine 31, no. 10: 92. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.