This article talks about the different names of drugs that are similar and may cause medication errors in the healthcare field. Also, the article talks about many different ways to label and manufacture the medications so errors will be less. There are many different ways the pills look and are packaged are also known causes of errors in the healthcare field.
Medication errors: What Hospital Report Reveal About Staff Views. (2012, March). Nursing Management, 19(10), 32-37. EBSCOhost. This is a journal article that talks about the many different reasons that staff from a hospital regarding the tasks that lead up to medication errors. This gives statistics from this particular study which states the many different reasons that medication errors happen from the staff.
Vasileff, H. M., Whitten, L. E., Pink, J. A., Goldsworthy, S. J., & Angley, M. T. (2009). The effect on medication errors of pharmacists charting medication in an emergency department. Pharmacy World & Science, 31(3), 373-9. doi: This article explains in great detail the errors that many pharmacists make that contribute to the medication errors in and emergency department. The leading cause of pharmacists errors are in the charting that is done prior to dispersing medication. This article shares the enormous information in regards to the ways that pharmacists could do their job differently in order to keep the number of medication errors down.