What is the best way to avoid medication errors in an assisted living facility? In order to determine the benefit of the medication for the resident is to review the types of medication errors that occur. When medication errors are discovered there is the likelihood that there are just as many that have not been discovered by the naked eye. Because residents/patients are at mercy of others to administer their medication (Fink RM, 2009).
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVES: The purpose and objective is to ensure the safety for the patient medication administration in facilities that in a non-nursing population.
DESIGN: Two-group, to evaluate medication administration in a nursing homes and medication administration in assisted living facilities with non-nursing staff.
SETTING: Assisted living and skill facility nursing facility in continuum of care facility center in South Carolina. The sample size would be a 44 bed skill facility and a 44 bed assisted living.
METHODS: The participants to be compared
Participants to be compared will be the nurses in a skill setting and he non-nursing medication technicians in assisted living. Medication, medication administrations, medications and