Dr. Huckabee
English 041
November 6, 2013
Diseases and Medicine during the Medieval Ages
During the Medieval time period, deaths from diseases were common and widespread. The impact throughout Europe impacted the economy and family matters. Some took the initiative to find cures and care for the sick. New advances in medicine was common but still unable to cure all of the sick Many of these diseases could have been prevented with proper hygienic, something as uncommon and not thought out back in the middle Ages. People of that time period also overlooked simple solutions, which could have potentially saved millions of lives. The Black Death was one of the most devastating plagues that world has ever seen. The plague …show more content…
Because of the millions lost due to the plague, there was a worker shortage in Europe; this led to a rise of the cost of labor. “The plague was a factor, at least in part, for altering the makeup of society” states Mari in his book Global Epidemics. The cost of goods rose causing the economy to struggle for a few centuries after the plague had ended. Because of the plague, many questioned the church. The church was not able to provide an answer causing many to lose their faith; those who still believed in God but not in the church broke off from the church to create their own churches. Others turned to drinking and gamboling to celebrate being alive. Educators were also furious on the results of the Black Death and placed an emphasizes on Medicine. This resulted in the creation of schools and higher education. The Black Death was a plague that devastated Europe in the Middle Ages. The disease still has an effect on Europe to this day, “Analysis has shown that genetic diversity in England is much lower than it was in the eleventh century” states the Encyclopedia Britannica. This experience with death led many to pursue medicine and education. This eventually led to the scientific revolution, which impacts the world today. Methods of medicine have changed because of this and the world has learned from their past experiences with