Medieval Studies
Medieval Warfare Book Review Medieval Warfare is book by the author Maurice Keen in which Keen goes into detail describing how warfare changed throughout the medieval era. It goes through describing how warfare has changed throughout history beginning with the Carolingian and Ottonian warfare through the usage of guns, gunpowder, and permanent armies. The book is very descriptive of how things change and the different ways certain things were done throughout the time. The book is composed of two sections with individual chapters in each section. The sections are phases of medieval warfare and the arts of warfare. The first section of the book lays out a chronological account of the different stages of war throughout the middle ages. It starts out talking about the Carolingian and Ottonians then the Vikings, the Age of Expansion, Warfare in the Latin East, European Warfare, and finally the Hundred Years War. The second section is mainly comprised of how warfare was conducted during the time. It gives accounts to different things that happened and what their significance was. This section splits up into; Fortifications and Sieges in Western Europe, Arms Armour and Horses, Mercenaries, Naval Warfare after the Viking Age, War and the Non-Combatant in the Middle Ages, and lastly Guns Gunpowder and Permanent Armies. The first and chapter in the book is on the Carolingians and ottonians. The Ottonian and carolingians both had societies organized by war instead of the conventional organization for war as he social orders that preceded them. What particularly made them a force was their ability to call an army together with considerable success in order to fight off invaders like the Vikings in the North Sea during the ninth century and the Muslims of the Mediterranean Sea in the eight century. The most famous ruler during the Carolingian empire is Charlemagne who devised one of the first crusades to retake the holy land. The