Marcus Aurelius deliberates three main ideas which connects to our current thoughts and emotions. Life, values, …show more content…
and death are three words several people experience throughout life without captivating the view of a philosopher. Aurelius starts to describe the significance of life’s seasons which states, “The pursuit of pleasure as a good and the avoidance of pain as an evil constitutes sin. Someone like that must inevitably and frequently blame the universal Nature for unfair distribution between bad men and good.” (Aurelius 83) Life’s approach come from several directions those who experience a good will eventually experience a bad. It tends to appear that the universe only allows good individuals to undergo pain instead of the bad. The purpose of experiencing the various seasons of life is a test from God. Aurelius refers ‘gods’ as a multitude of people, and the reader disagrees with the use of that word used throughout this context. Although Marcus Aurelius never provided a specific religion since his views were based upon his experience in life.
A message that Aurelius informs the readers about the significance of everyone valuing their life.
For example, Aurelius writes, “So is this anything terrible for them – or indeed for men whose very names are lost? In this world, there is only one thing of value, to live out your life in truth and justice, tolerant of those who are neither true nor just” (Aurelius 56). For instance, it’s a simple task to ask somebody “What do you value in life?” then their response is a significant person or item. Instead, Aurelius states that people can be described by what they value which illustrates the person’s personality. Although, he discusses that no one should value expensive or trendy possessions since they come and go. The reader’s opinion based on Marcus statement is valid the world is surrounded on what they think should be valued. Technology and fancy clothes are exactly the focal point of society’s opinion on value. The purpose of our value and life is to do exactly the plan God has set out for each one of us. For example, the reader evaluates the opportunities God continues to provide for one even when it shouldn’t happen. Another issue that continues to happen is people valuing others judgment to feel confident in themselves. One must think of themselves valuable, not people telling one “You look great!” or “I like your outfit!” Overall, Marcus desires to continue pursuing a life based on their goals not the goals of
A topic that relies on the future is death, which only God, our Savior, only knows. Marcus Aurelius uses the word ‘death’ throughout this novel which is something the reader is afraid to talk or hear about. He says, “Do not despise death: welcome it, rather, as one further part of nature’s will. Our very dissolution is just like all the other natural processes which life’s seasons bring” (Aurelius 84). The difficulty is how one describes the methods of how death will occur eventually. But it’s the thought of thinking about how, when and where will one’s time be done. In the news, today, plenty of deaths continue to occur around our surrounding involving elders and teens. The reader’s opinion on death is how Marcus can say “welcome it” if we humans continue to worry. Although, the reader agrees towards the ending of the quote which is referred as the life’s seasons is identical to how each stage humans continue to grow. One of Marcus thoughts that were expressed sounds like an inspirational quote. It says, “But as things are you see how wearisome it is to live out of tune with your fellows so that you say: ‘Come quickly, death, or I too may forget myself’ (Aurelius 85). In other words, the meaning of life is to live it to the fullest each day that makes one forget that death is upon us.
Marcus Aurelius describes the effects of judgment which continues to occur today’s society. The reader also struggles to stop judging others based on their personality or gossip about an individual. An example, Marcus writes is, “Remove the judgement, and you have removed the thought ‘I am hurt’: remove the thought ‘I am hurt,' and the hurt itself is removed” (Aurelius 25). This is a quote that should be written everywhere to remind ourselves to eliminate judgment from our lives. As Marcus states that removing the thought ‘I am hurt’ is how to remove the unending view of the report. Bad judgment is leading into suicide since it affects the person emotionally and physically. Unless one understands the advice that Marcus Aurelius writes in Meditations, then judgment will be handled differently. The reader will take this reference into their life to prevent harsh reviews from continuing into this society. Although, the reader, unlike any other reader, will constantly want to judge someone whether it’s good or bad. One tends to judge someone but keeps it to themselves or tells them in person. By removing those thoughts, we will stop experiencing judgment or cause harsh judgment. Overall, Marcus Aurelius reflects on human life and death as a perspective of our eternity by amplifying his encouragement. His personal journal brought insight into the reader by describing his reflection who was inspired by another philosopher. Although, it failed to provide detailed information on writing the exact dates based on Aurelius experience or expressed thoughts. The remarkable facts stated about life, death, and value all relate to the 21st century. Besides this journal being written many years ago, it still contains historical facts on Marcus Aurelius life. The information Marcus Aurelius provided brings insight and clarity into the reader’s point of view.