When two or more than two persons get together at one place to discuss any common issue, it is called Meeting.
Meeting Documentation
When dealing with formal meetings, there is a specific procedure to be followed:
1. Notice of Meeting :
To let everyone involved know that you are requesting a meeting for a particular reason, and give them the date, time and location for this. This is known as a
2. Agenda:
Before the meeting starts (sometimes given at the same time as the Notice of Meeting), you need to let all those invited to attend the meeting what it is that's to be discussed and the order that these items will be mentioned in .
3. Minutes :
During the meeting itself, it is important that all points raised are noted so that a summary of the full meeting is recorded. The Minutes should show what was discussed, more especially what was agreed (or ruled out), and any action points - a note of something that has to be carried out, by whom, and usually with a deadline.
Advantages of meeting :
Sharing information:
Through meetings executives of different departments of a company can share information on a particular issue, in a face to face situation.
Problem solving:
Meetings also help to find out ways to solve problems. Opinions of the participants assist to form a suitable means of solving the problem.
Ensure co-ordination:
Meeting is a forum where executives and employee of different departments can get together and share their own views. This process ensures co-ordination among different departments of a company.
Assist decision making:
One o f the major advantages of meetings is it assists decision making.
Better acceptance of decision:
As meetings ensure the participation of employees and executives of different departments, thus the taken decisions are likely to be easily accepted by all.
Disadvantages of meeting :
Waste of time:
If the meeting failed to achieve its objective(s) then it is nothing but