Organizing meetings basically involves three steps: • Preparing Notice-to inform the participants about the title,purpose,date, time,venue etc purpose of the meeting. • Enlisting Agenda-to inform and guide the participants about what issues are going to be brought under discussion in the meeting • Writing Minutes – to note down all the important discussion points, descions, and conclusions drawn in the meeting.
Preparing Notice:
The first and foremost task in organizing meetings is to prepare a notice for informing the participants about the details.i.e. Title, purpose, date, time, venue etc purpose of the meeting.
“To discuss the Issue of Computer Labs Head of computer science department has called a meeting on Friday 15 June, 2012 in university Auditorium at 10.00 am. All faculty is informed to attend the meeting”
Creating a Meeting Agenda:
Meetings set aside time to brainstorm ideas, relay important information, solve problems and plan projects. A meeting must be well-planned to make this time productive. An agenda provides an outline of the intent of the meeting and the items that need to be discussed. A meeting agenda can be distributed ahead of time to allow attendees to prepare questions and input. An effective agenda can be designed in a few simple steps
The meeting agenda is a roadmap for the meeting. It lets participants know where they're headed so they don't get off track. Most importantly, the meeting agenda gives a sense of purpose and direction to the meeting. When attempting to hold a productive meeting, the most important thing you can do is to create an agenda. This should be sent to all attendees well in advance to give everyone time to examine the topics and prepare what they need to say. Agendas highlight the purpose of the meeting and the decisions that need to be made. Without an agenda meetings lack focus and decisions will not be made since attendees will go off on tangents and