1. The two main functions of the testes are ____________ and ___________.
2. The production of sperm is an ______________ function.
3. The production of hormones is an _____________ function.
4. The internal 2° male sexual characteristics are __________, ______, _________, __________, __________, ___________, and ___________.
5. The external 2° male sexual characteristics are _______,______.
6. The size and shape of the testes is ______________.
7. The ___________ suspends the testes in a sac-like structure called ___________.
8. The spermatic cord passes through the __________ down into the scrotum.
9. What are the components of the spermatic cord?
10. When does testosterone secretion first begin?
11. Testosterone causes _____________ @ 8th month of fetal development.
12. The movement of the testes during descent is aided by a fibromuscular cord called the _______________.
13. What does the gubernaculum do after descent of the testes?
14. ___________ is when the testes fail to descend.
15. If one or both testes doesn't descend, ______________ die.
16. Approximately _____% of births have cryptorchidism.
17. The parietal serous membrane enclosing each testes is the ___________.
18. The visceral serous membrane enclosing each testes is the ___________.
19. The tunica albuginea divides the testes into ___________.
20. How many seminiferous tubules are in each lobule?
21. How long is each tubule?
22. Each seminiferous tubule is lined with ________ cells and ______ cells.
23. The function of the spermatogenic cells is _____________.
24. The two functions of the sertoli cells are __________ and _________.
25. The function of prison cells is __________.
26. Between seminiferous tubules are clusters of cells called ____________.
27. Meiosis for spermatogenic cells is called _____________.
28. _____________ are undifferentiated cells that line the periphery of the seminiferous