The three types of Melanin
What’s the science behind Melanin?
Advantages of Melanin
What’s the Pineal Gland?
Melatonin functions
Melanin in Plant’s & Animals
Effects of people with Low Melanin
The dangers of Low melanin
1. Ultraviolet (UV) rays
Manipulated Melanin
What is Keratinocytes?
Medicines that reduce Melanin
Name of Drugs
The Effects of the Drug
Biological Make-up of Melanin
Recently scientist have discovered that melanin is a refined, complex, multifunctional chemical that has a wide variety of important functions. The areas where the melanin is located are {Central nervous system, Autonomic (Automatic) nervous system, Peripheral Outlying surface, Diffuse Neuroendocrine(Glands) system, and Viscera’s (Major Internal Organs)}. The reason why the melanin in our skin is Black is due to the chemical structure not allowing any type of energy to escape once that energy has come into contact with its structure. When these steps are completed no energy is reflected away from the surface of the melanin structure. The human eye sees the color of an object as light reflects from the surface of that object. If no light or energy is reflected then that object will appear to the eye’s Black. (The ectoderm/ outer layer of the skin is where melanin is produced in the pre-fetus. Melanin a dark biological pigment found in skin. There are three types of Melanin: Eumelanin, Pheomelanin, and Neuromelanin. The most common form of melanin is eumelanin is the most abundant type of human melanin mostly found in people with brown or black skin. Pheomelanin can be found in light a dark-skinned people, but females tend to have more of this type of pigments in their skin than men. You will often notice a pinker or reddish quality to a woman’s body and pheomelanin is more concentrated on the lips, nipples and vagina. Neuromelanin is the modified form of melanin pigment normally found in certain neurons of the nervous