Skin is the largest organ in the body. It protects the whole body from: injury, temperature change, radiation and infection. Skin is component of three layers:
• Hypodermis layer :
The very bottom layer of skin and it contains fatty cells that insulate the body and help to conserve heat.
• Dermis layer :
It is the middle layer of skin. It involves cells that give skin strength, support and flexibility. • Epidermis layer :
The outer layer of skin. It protects the other skin layers from outside environment ,and it has cells that make keratin, a substance that waterproofs and strengths the skin. The epidermis also has melanocytes which contain melanin , the pigment that gives the skin its color.
The skin may be affected by some diseases such cancer. Cancer is a disease that …show more content…
The most dangerous form of skin cancer is melanoma and it establishes in the upper layer of skin. Melanoma occurs when unrepaired DNA damaged to skin cells and it most often caused by
Ultraviolet radiation from sunshine or tanning bed which triggers genetic mutation that leads to melanoma[1]. Melanoma becomes more and more common with an estimated that 73,870 new cases of invasive melanoma will be diagnosed in the US in
2015[2]. This report will illustrate how to diagnose melanoma , its causes, types, and finally the treatment of this