
Memi And Sabu Statue Analysis

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This paper is going to compare two statues: statue of Memi and Sabu and a seated statue of Gudea. Both figures have been purchased by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and are displayed there. I will start with writing about the origin and the age of both figures, and then compare materials used to create them, as well as the style and function of both of them. The first piece, The Royal Acquaintances Memi and Sabu, originates from Egypt and it is a 4th Dynasty figure of a couple, Memi and Sabu. The figure is dated between 2575 and 2465 B.C., and it is made from a painted limestone. Apart from the standing man (Memi) and woman (Sabu), the figure also includes the inscription stating that they are the royal acquaintances. The figure is also relatively …show more content…

This evokes intimacy, even though they both look in different directions rather than looking at each other. In Egypt, the statues were often used as home for the spirits of the deceased, allowing them to harvest all of the gifts placed for them in the tombs. This would suggest that this was the use for this figure as well, as it was found near Giza in the Western Cemetery (, n.d.). The second piece, Statue of Gudea, is a Neo-Sumerian figure originating from Mesopotamia, Girsu. The figure is dated ca. 2090 B.C. The figure is made from diorite not limestone, and is also relatively small (h: 17 3/8", w: 8 1/2", d: 11 5/8"). Both figures are similar in size, however the figure of Gudea is in a seated position, not standing like the other figure (, n.d.).
According to The Metropolitan Museum (n.d.), the figure of Gudea belongs to a series of diorite figures, which were commissioned by the king Gudea himself. He was known for rebuilding the great temple of Lagash and he also placed the statues of himself in this

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