FROM: Haley Hageman, Alese Lavacchi, and Matt Richardson
DATE: November 9, 2010
Mr. Caldwell, it is evident that the expense reports of Brad C. Trigg over the past three months have been an all time high.
Based on the data presented below, we recommend the following: 1. Brad C. Trigg’s employment should be reviewed for termination. 2. No legal action should be taken against Trigg’s employee theft.
3. An investigation into the approval process for expense report submissions should be conducted.
Here are a few examples that show the dishonesty
of the employee: 1. Expenses and salary of the employee exceed the revenue he brings to the company. 2. There was a charge for a fishing boat rental, guide service, and dinners in Corpus Cristi where Brad claimed he was entertaining Carlton DeLeon.
It was later discovered after talking with Carlton DeLeon that the fishing trip never really happened and Trigg’s was documenting false expenses. The total cost of this unknown expense was $485.
Amos T. Caldwell, President Page 2 November 9, 2010
After confronting Trigg with the evidence he admitted to his falsified claims. 1. He explained, I gave Caldwell fifteen years of my life at “slave wages,” and I am getting back what is due to me. 2. After his statement he ended the conversation abruptly and walked out. The attitude of Trigg is unacceptable and he must be terminated. The Client names that he gave on his expense reports along with the dollar amounts and expense report numbers are given on the following table.
FALSIFIED EXPENSES MADE BY BRAD C TRIGG | Expense Report Number | Date | City | Client Name | Falsified Amount | 1 | 9/12/2010 | Little Rock | Paul Gregori | $243 | 2 | 9/29/2010 | Corpus Cristi | Carlton DeLeon | $485 | 3 | 10/10/2010 | Oklahoma city | Allison Lam | $117 | 4 | 10/18/2010 | New Orleans | Denise Jones | $389 | 5 | 11/03/2010 | Houston | Dennis Hrozek | $185 |