After about an hour I had finished that field, my face had a thick layer of sweat and dust covering it and I reeked of diesel fumes. Even though this may sound terrible to some I had enjoyed myself the light spring breeze was refreshing. After about a week of doing this to multiple fields we were done and all we could do now was wait and hope the beans grew. One by one little by little the small light green sprouts slowly popped out of the ground. After a couple months or so they had become impressing full sized plants that produced large pods of beans. Fall came and the leaves turned brown and fell off the small leaves crunched as we walked through the field inspecting our crops they were ready to be combined. And with that the field was empty and the deer had taken the place of the beans and it was only a matter of time before opening day and they would be mine. Fall finally came and the field became my hunting ground crisp November morning I jumped out of bed eager to get to the field I put on coat
After about an hour I had finished that field, my face had a thick layer of sweat and dust covering it and I reeked of diesel fumes. Even though this may sound terrible to some I had enjoyed myself the light spring breeze was refreshing. After about a week of doing this to multiple fields we were done and all we could do now was wait and hope the beans grew. One by one little by little the small light green sprouts slowly popped out of the ground. After a couple months or so they had become impressing full sized plants that produced large pods of beans. Fall came and the leaves turned brown and fell off the small leaves crunched as we walked through the field inspecting our crops they were ready to be combined. And with that the field was empty and the deer had taken the place of the beans and it was only a matter of time before opening day and they would be mine. Fall finally came and the field became my hunting ground crisp November morning I jumped out of bed eager to get to the field I put on coat