by Hsienche Liu
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
Of National Chunghua University of Education
This article mainly discusses the different categories and two different modes of interpretation. It also touches slightly on the interplay of interpretation and memory. Short-term memory is extremely important in interpretation. This paper analyzes different kinds of memory and their application for the interpreter’s training. This paper presents three types of memories which are sensory memory, short-term memory and long-term memory. This paper goes on discussing about the major characteristic of these three memories. Through the memory’s point of view, the paper further discusses the implication for the memory in training an interpreter. This paper also tells about some steps to hone simultaneous interpreting skills so as to improve interpreting skills not only quickly but also effectively.
Key Words: Sensory Memory, Short-term Memory, Long-term Memory, Interpretation, Effort Model
Review of Literature In Memory Training in Interpreting (Weihe Zhong 2003):
The idea of short-term memory simply means that you are retaining information for a short period of time without creating the neural mechanisms for later recall. Long-term memory occurs when you have created neural pathways for storing ideas and information which can then be recalled weeks, moths, or even years later. (p.3) From this passage we can observe the difference between these two different types of memory. Because of their different characteristics, they can apply to diverse situation in which interpretation is performed. Since they are extremely important, they deserve to be delved into and carefully studied. If there is a way to improve or enhance them significantly, it would be a blessing to those who are eager to be interpreters for they can discover a way to do their job more efficiently.
1. What is Memory?