Mathematical Model of Memristor
Figure 2 is the schematic of the two terminal memristor [1]. A thin titanium dioxide (TiO2) is sandwiched between two metal wires (platinum). The first layer is oxygen deficient titanium oxide i.e., TiO2-x which has low resistance (RON) and acts as a conductor. The second layer is pure titanium oxide, acts as an insulator which has high resistance (ROFF). From figure 2, w is the width of the …show more content…
The circuit is designed to implement the features of the memristor using current feedback operational amplifier and analog multiplier.
Figure 4: Memristor emulator
In figure 4, voltage at the input terminal is
Vin(t)=Iin(t)Rx+V03(t) (6) where Iin is the input current, Rx is the resistance at the inverting terminal and V03 is the output of a analog multiplier feedback to the non-inverting terminal of CFOA1.
To get the V03, three devices- a resistor, a capacitor and voltage multiplier are used. The output voltage across the resistor (Ry) and capacitor (C) are multiplied using a analog multiplier AD633. According to the port characteristics of AD844,
Vx=Vy; iy=0; iz=ix; Vw=Vz
In figure 4, stage 1 is a current to voltage converter, by analyzing the circuit,
Iint=V01(t)Ry (7)
The output voltage across the resistor Ry is expressed as
V01(t)=RyIin(t) …show more content…
The output of the 1st stage, V01, is given as an input to the non-inverting terminal of stage 2.
Since V01=Vin2, ict=Vin2(t)Rz=V01(t)Rz (10) where Rz is the resistance at the inverting input terminal of the integral circuit.
By substituting eq. (10) in eq. (9),
V02t=1CV01(t)Rz dt (11)
The output of first and second stage is given to the voltage multiplier (AD633) as an input. The output of the analog multiplier is,
Vw=(Vx1-Vx2)(Vy1-Vy2)10+ Vz (12)
Since Vx1=V01, Vy1=V02; then eq. (12) can be expressed as
V03(t)= V01(t)10 V02(t) (13)
By inserting eq. (13) into eq. (6), we get
Vin=RxIin+V01V0210 (14)
Substituting eq. (8) and eq. (11) in eq. (14), then
Vint=Iint[Rx+Ry210RzC qt] (15)
So the memristance is given