1. The Ordinary World
Agent Kay identifies the only alien from the line of illegals. This shows this is an ordinary day for Kay. Also when we say Jay and an NYPD officer doing his job.
2. The Call to Adventure Kay’s partner retires, he needs a new one. He meets Jay after an encounter with an illegal alien. He then deletes his memory and assigns him for testing.
3. Refusal to the Call
Jay is confused and doesn’t believe what he is hearing. He says to Kay ‘show me the door’ as he is refusing the call to adventure.
4. Meeting with the Mentor
When Jay enters the base he learns what Kay does for a job and then learns what his first mission with his mentor is.
5. Crossing the Threshold Jay is assigned his first mission with Kay, they are sent off to investigate an alien leaving his zone, Jay has no idea what to expect and is out of his comfort zone.
6. Tests, Allies and Enemies
When Jay firsts makes up a fake story as to why the aliens wife has lost her husband, it’s showing he is learning and forming a relationship with Kay. They meet their enemy as he is escaping the restaurant after killing the friendly alien.
7. Approach
When Kay investigates the UFO’s crash site, he realizes there are ‘bugs’ on Earth who want to cause chaos.
8. The Ordeal
Jay and Kay discover what the enemy is after, the galaxy. The enemy breaks in and attacks Jay; he then leaves with the galaxy.
9. The Reward
Jay works out were the alien is going, he looks at the picture of the ‘fake’ UFO’s and says ‘Do those still work?’ The reward is figuring out the enemy’s next move.
10. The Road Back Jay and Kay return to their base to find out that they have 1 hour to retrieve the ‘Galaxy’ or else the planet will be destroyed.
11. The Resurrection
The scene outside of the UFO’s, Jay and Kay are both faced with their biggest fears, together they use their skills they have learnt to defeat the enemy. They in turn retrieve the galaxy from the