[Mrs Kenjuana McCray]
[SOC 210]
[10 June 2013]
Menace II Society
Introduction As a society, people are quick to draw conclusions about certain individuals based on their physical appearance. Many times, it is a misconception of what the individuals being judged are actually like. While searching for a movie that demonstrates individuals’ behavior and their positive or negative interaction within a society, I came across Menace II Society. Menace II Society was the movie that reflects social problems, about the brothers Allen and Albert Hughes. . There are various social issues discussed in this movie such as “drug”, “murder”, “violence”, “crime”, and problems associated with the society. This movie not only reflects about the behavior and attitude of people in the society, but also reflects on the social norms and breaking laws. The interesting element in this movie is that it not only reflects the social problems, but also provides reason for the negative social behavior. Another reason is that this movie provides a chance to study the social problems and other concerns associated with the Blacks in that society. Despite the fact that this movie is directly about the crime and violence in Blacks, there are various symbolic interaction in this movie that proves the problems of social hatred and conflicts in the society due to the structure and function of society. There are various theories of sociology which can assist in understanding all these factors presented in this movie.
Menace II Society is a story about Blacks struggling for better life in the society, through any means. In order to get money and to fulfill their dreams, Caine Lawson and his best friend Kevin Anderson (O-Dog), planned to rob a store and in their attempt they killed store keeper and his wife and took all the money along with the surveillance tape. They involved in a number of different other crimes like theft and different other
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