However, many Egyptologists consider Seti to be the greatest restorer because he marked his name on every object he restored, even though many of these restorations were started by earlier pharaohs. His main goal was to restore Egypt to 18th dynasty size and power, which he did by expanding east. The citizens of Egypt called him “Repeater of Births,” which means “he began an era of order and restoration” because of his restoration of ancient Egypt. Without this restoration, New Kingdom Egypt would not have been as
However, many Egyptologists consider Seti to be the greatest restorer because he marked his name on every object he restored, even though many of these restorations were started by earlier pharaohs. His main goal was to restore Egypt to 18th dynasty size and power, which he did by expanding east. The citizens of Egypt called him “Repeater of Births,” which means “he began an era of order and restoration” because of his restoration of ancient Egypt. Without this restoration, New Kingdom Egypt would not have been as