Annual Review
Volume 9
Editorial The Causes and the Consequences of Separations in North American Anabaptist Missions John A. Lapp Cooperation, Complimentarity, and Conflict: Case Study in Mission/Service Agency Relations - Mennonite Ministries Botswana Erwin Rempel Cooperation, Accommodation and Conflict Case study: Vietnam Betsy Headrick McCrae Personal Reflections on Language Ministry in Burkina Faso after Two Decades Donna Kampen Entz Mennonite History and Identity in Indonesia Stefanus Christian Haryono Hispanic Mennonites in North America Gilberto Flores The Future of Mission Stanley Green Christianity and the other Religions Karl Koop Mission Theology Wilbert Shenk Book Reviews: True Life: First-hand Stories of Mission. A Celebration of a Century of Mennonite Brethren Mission: MBMS International Centennial 1900-2000. Compiled and edited by Brad Thiessen. Fresno CA: MBMS International, 2000, pp.104. Reviewed by Titus Guenther. Jacob A. Loewen, Educating Tiger: My Spiritual and Intellectual Journey, Hillsboro, KS: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 2000, Pb., pp.346. $19.99. Reviewed by Titus F. Guenther
Wilbert Shenk, By Faith They Went Out. Mennonite Missions 1850-1999. Elkhart: Institute of Mennonite Studies, Occasional Papers No. 20, 1999. 133pp. Alle Hoekema, Dutch Mennonite Mission in Indonesia. Historical Essays. Elkhart: Institute of Mennonite Studies, Occasional Papers No. 22, 2001. 148pp. Reviewed by Walter Sawatsky
How can the bearer of Good News ensure that the bad news will not ruin things? That simplified statement may point to the common thread in the articles making up this issue. It has become quite common place to assert a missiology that starts with the missio Dei. The problem points usually have to do with the way human beings participate in God’s mission, to the extent that they begin to think their way is the divine way. Can a spiritdriven mission truly end in
References: Cited Allen, Roland. 1962. Missionary Methods: St. Paul 's or Ours? Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Co. First published 1912.