For this assignment I decided to go with the magazine, “Men’s Health Stronger & Lean”. As the title of the magazine describes the target audience of the magazine are Men. I went for the magazine for two reasons. The first being that the Men’s Health magazine was in my car from when I got the mail and the second reason is that for most women a strong healthy man is almost primate. It goes back to the time when people were hunter gathers and a strong man means a good life. If a man was strong it meant he could hunt for the food and build a sturdy home for a family to live. In this magazine there are countless workouts for men to increase body mass and slim down and bulk up. No only are there workouts but health eating options, different diets that work better for men. Last in “ Men’s Health”, it explains what to do …show more content…
The only way to keep up with the Joins are to have what they have. Even though this magazine doesn't really have as much advertisement as other magazines, with cars, watches, and clothes. Individual still believe that they need some of these thing to be cool. The magazine does show foods and other material that could help a man become healthier but it is not pushed as shown in the book, “Born to Buy”.
The way I engage my sociological imagination in this study was buy thinking out of the mindset of me being a young women. I as a woman is not trying to bulk up and be able to lift over a certain weight. I am not trying to impress women because I am one. I tried to think out of my own mindset and as a assumed middle aged man who would be possibly be divorced, never married, or just trying to keep his spouse enticed. These images and words would encourage ma to either eat healthier and live a more active