Menstrual cycle is a process experienced by every female at one point in their life cycle. In the olden days a young lady experiences her first menstruation in her late teens or early twenties. In recent times, however, some begin their menstrual cycle as early as nine years. The age at menarche (the first time a girl or a young woman menstruates) is widely considered as an important landmark in sexual maturity. However it varies widely between the same people. These variations has been attributed to a number of possible causes such as; advancement in technology, health care delivery, weather and climate change, food, daily activities, socio-economic activities, lifestyle and many more.
The importance of the role of menstrual cycle in every lady’s life is paramount. The menstrual cycle enables you to mark out certain activities like, when to time pregnancy, safe periods, expected menstruation days, and also proves when you get pregnant. Keeping track of one’s menstrual cycle enables one to discover health problems which may arise in time due to a change in menstrual cycle pattern. Knowledge about ones menstrual cycle is not naturally known from birth. A research conducted by students from the University of Jammu indicated that, out of a sample of 200 females from a rural area, only a few respondents showed accurate and adequate knowledge about menstrual cycle. Menstrual cycle is the monthly process of ovulation and menstruation that occurs between puberty and menopause in women and female primates who are not pregnant (Encarta Dictionary). The key processes are ovulation and menstruation. In the first half of the menstrual cycle, levels of estrogen rise and make the lining of the uterus grow and thicken. In response to follicle-stimulating hormone, an egg (ovum) in one of the ovaries starts to mature. At about day 14 of a typical 28-day cycle, in response to a surge of luteinizing hormone, the egg leaves the