Talking about the mental capacities, it should be pointed out that it is possible to develop and increase it. Modern scientists make a great amount of researches which help people working under their mental abilities and to develop them. Everyone knows that it is possible to boost the memory while training it with learning something by heart, for example, poems. One more method to train and make the memory better is to choose healthy nutrition, it will not only provide brain with all the necessary vitamins, but also improve the organism in total.
If you want your brain to work better, you shouldn’t forget about sweet goods. They increase the level of glucose in the blood, making the metabolism higher. It will not only make the brain work better, but also give a good mood and positive attitude to the life in total. Unfortunately, this method is short term one.
It is scientifically proved that the mental abilities become lower with the age. The most often mental problems the old people have are connected with the memory. There are many diseases which are connected with the memory impairment, for example, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, death of memory and others. Some of such diseases are incurable. Scientists