What may be normal to one person and their culture may be disrespectful to another. For example, in America, eye contact is seen as confidence and a sign of honesty, but in some Asian cultures, it’s disrespectful. In very religious cultures a person who goes to church and began to speak in a different language and behave differently can be misdiagnose as someone who is suffering from a mental illness. However, someone who is very religious doesn't see this as a mental illness. They see it as God speaking and having a relationship with them. People have the tendency to believe that their cultural beliefs and way of doing things is the only or best way. They tend to overlook the values of other cultures, the things that are proper and improper and right and wrong in other countries. In the medical world especially surrounding mental illness this behavior and way of thinking can lead to wrongfully diagnosing an individual's behavior and actions as an mental illness. This can lead medical providers to mistreat and misdiagnose their patients for a mental disorder they may not really have or treating them for the wrong disorder leading to the patient getting worse or even causing detrimental harm to themselves or
What may be normal to one person and their culture may be disrespectful to another. For example, in America, eye contact is seen as confidence and a sign of honesty, but in some Asian cultures, it’s disrespectful. In very religious cultures a person who goes to church and began to speak in a different language and behave differently can be misdiagnose as someone who is suffering from a mental illness. However, someone who is very religious doesn't see this as a mental illness. They see it as God speaking and having a relationship with them. People have the tendency to believe that their cultural beliefs and way of doing things is the only or best way. They tend to overlook the values of other cultures, the things that are proper and improper and right and wrong in other countries. In the medical world especially surrounding mental illness this behavior and way of thinking can lead to wrongfully diagnosing an individual's behavior and actions as an mental illness. This can lead medical providers to mistreat and misdiagnose their patients for a mental disorder they may not really have or treating them for the wrong disorder leading to the patient getting worse or even causing detrimental harm to themselves or