B. “A Report of the Surgeon General defines mental disorders as “’health conditions that are characterized by alterations in thinking, mood, or behavior (or some combination thereof) associated with distress and/or impaired functioning’” (“Mental Disorders”).
“The most serious problem of this illness today is still the stigma” (Thomas).
“Scientists are not certain what causes mental disorders. Research is ongoing amid some controversy” (“Mental Disorders”).
“Almost 44 million Americans have some sort of mental or emotional problem each year” (Thomas).
C. People who need help and have a mental illness …show more content…
This shows how others can be in danger due to the illness. They have no idea what they are doing is sometimes bad so they need to be reminded by having a safe place like a hospital.
D. “Since June 1995, the number of patients committed to Napa State Hospital by the state criminal courts has more than doubled—from 337 patients to 853” (Dolye and Firmite).
E. Crimes have been carried out by people who are mentally ill are getting more common. They don’t know if what they are doing is bad or good so they do what ever even if it is unmorally. It isn’t safe for citizens or the mental themselves to be out with people who do not have a moral compass.
IV. Conclusion
A. People who need help and have a mental illness should be put in a hospital because it will increase the health of the ill and keep citizens safe.
B. Crimes committed by mentally ill people have doubled causing an alert because they don’t have a conscious to tell them what is good or bad. Since they don’t have a conscious they also don’t know when something may harm themself or remember to take medicine for them to help them get in control.
C. We have to help the mentally ill by increasing their chances of getting better. They can’t help their circumstance but we can by sending them to a hospital or special home for the mentally