“To what extent are dogs beneficial to people experiencing mental health issues?”
Summary of research question and the research outcomes
My research question centres around how dogs effect us and how that can be beneficial. My question was decided through discussions as to how dogs can affect people in a positive manner and after further research on the topic through reading organisation pages, I decided on my question. I explored organisations that involved dog therapy/assistance, sent a survey to ask the public on the topic, sent e-mails and read through books on mental health to grasp a better understanding of the factors involved. I presented all my key findings in a written essay format. I discovered that dogs …show more content…
This may have been avoided if I had collected a larger sample which could have offered me with the opportunity to send out another survey and use the data collected as a primary source in my outcome. I also was I was unable to find any professional who was experienced/educated in the field only a mental health nurse which prevented me from obtaining first hand experience on my topic which challenged my range of sources. This prevented extra reliability and validity of certain information as I had no primary research to back up my key …show more content…
This weakness did not influence the reliability and quality of my outcome as instead of using first hand experience I focused on finding information from organisations and online journals, to which this rather only affected the validity and accuracy of the key findings in some circumstances. This did not significantly influence my concluding answer for my question, as although primary research was not a major source of information, multiple secondary sources were used and in most cases they backed up each other and were updated or provided by organisations that contained dependable and valid sources, which strengthened the reliability within my research. As I was unable to obtain an outlook from primary sources on the topic it was difficult to know if research done in more recent times has provided evidence that the concept that dogs are possibly beneficial to those who suffer a mental health issues however, majority of the resources contain information that would not change over time rather only be proven incorrect e.g. scientific discoveries. Furthermore, the information provided is relatively new or recently updated and this further backs up the accuracy of my answer towards the