Alan is a 42 yr old white british male, he was diagnosed with schitzophrenia at the age of 21yrs. He is the eldest of two children, his sister resides with her husband and children nearby. Alan resides at home with his parents, who are in their early seventies. Alan has always complied with medication, and agreed to hospitalization when necessary, compulsory admission has not been required.
“ Scitzophrenia is a devastating mental illneess, and probably the most distressing and
disabling of the severe mental disorders. The first signs of schizophrenia typically emerge in
adolescence or young adult. The effects of the illness are confusing and often shocking to
families and friends.” retreived 19/01/06.
Alan is seen by his psychiatrist, every six months, unless he is unwell, when he will be seen more frequently. He is reviewed through the Care program approach at hospital out-patients. His key worker is a community psychiatric nurse, (CPN).
The psychiatrist plays a central role in the diagnosis of a mental disorder. Diagnosis is made after a mental health examination. The role of the psychiatrist in the mental state examination serves two purposes:
“A detailed history is taken to identify change and characteristic clusters indicative of a
specific psychiatric disorder. Secondly the psychiatrist has to make a comparison of change
against a diagnostic criteria to establish presence or not of a specific psychiatric disorder.”
(Holland, 2003, p.1938)
After illiminating organic cause, by physical examination, the psychiatrist makes a diagnosis by classification of the symptoms. In todays psychiatry there are two systems used to more reliably identify a
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