Messages like these can be found all over social networks, people saying self harm is 'beautiful', encouraging anorexia like the image above, making depression seem 'deep' and somewhat 'sexy', even. When messages and photos like these are going all round social media, it really does make it hard for people (including me) …show more content…
So what if someone smile and laughs in front of you? Maybe behind your back and everyone's eyes, they're crying themselves to sleep and have scars over their body. If you're shy, that doesn't mean you instantly have social anxiety. If you're nervous before an exam, that doesn't mean you have generalized anxiety. I'm no doctor here, don't get me wrong, but I feel like people these days are very quick to diagnose themselves without truly looking at the symptoms and other's experiences and going to a doctor themselves. It's quite sad that some people can see mental illnesses as 'cool' or 'quirky' or even