February 14, 2013
Mental Retardation
I. Set of Class
A) Intelligence Quotient below 70
B) All class and Intelligence quotient
II. Diagnosis
A. Three criterion’s met
1.Iintellegence quotient below 70
2. Adaptive Behaviors a. Communications b. Self Help c. Functional Academic Skills d. Interpersonal Skills III. Genetic Screening
A. Prenatal Testing
1. Increase risk of a fetus
B. Diagnostic testing
1. Suspicion based on physical signs
C. Newborn Screening
1. Identify genetic disorders
IV. Common causes
A. Genetic condition
1. Improper development of fetus
B. Difficulty during pregnancy
1. Lack of oxygen
C. Toxins and Disease
1. Lead
2. Measles
3. Meningitis
V. Class
A. Mild Mental Retardation
1. Percentage of people diagnosed with Mild M.R.
2. Social communication skills
3. Adapting adolescents
4. Independent adult achievements
B. Moderate Mental Retardation
1. Percentage of people diagnosed with Moderate M.R.
2. Social Communication skills
3. Adapting adolescents
4. Adult achievements
C. Severe Mental Retardation
1. Percentage of people diagnosed with Severe M.R.
2. Familiarizing in pre-academics
3. Adapting environment
D. Profound Mental Retardation
1. Percentage of people diagnosed with Profound M.R.
2. Impairment and sensorimotor functioning
3. Neurological condition
4. Structured environment
VI. Clinical Subtypes
A. Intellectual Deficit
70. 55. 40. 25. These are the four degrees of mental retardation. These numbers represent the severity of mental retardation in an individual. Each degree is categorized under Mild, Moderate, Severe and Profound. Severity Unspecified is also a term used when there is a strong presumption of Mental Retardation but the standards test cannot conclude the severity therefore the person’s intelligence is not sustained by the standard test. In
Cited: American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text rev.). Washington, DC: Author. Daily DK, Ardinger HH, Holmes GE. (February 2000). Identification and Evaluation of Mental Retardation. In aafp.org. Retrieved January 29, 2013, from http://www.aafp.org/afp/2000/0215/p1059.html. Lawyer, Liz. (November 26, 2010). Rosa 's Law to Remove Stigmatized Language from Law Books. In the Ithaca Journal. Retrieved January 29, 2013, from http://theithacajournal.com/article/old-term-to-developemental-disability. Undefined. (January 18, 2003). What are the types of genetic tests?. In Genetics Home Reference. Retrieved January 29, 2013, from http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/glossary=mentalretardation.