Case history is the record of patient’s life. The history is a patient’s life story told to the psychiatrist in the patient’s own words from his or her own point o view. It allows the psychiatrist to understand the patient and also helps in prognosis of the case. The history also includes information about the patient obtain from other sources such as parents or spouse. Getting the comprehensive history from a patient or from other sources is essential. Making a correct diagnosis and formulating a specific and effective treatment plan.
The assessment of a patient who may have a psychiatric disorder has several stages. It is needed to decide whether there is a disorder and if so of what kind, whether the patient is disabled and if so in what way, whether there is danger to the patient or to others, and what sort of person has become ill and what are his social circumstances.
To make their decisions, a detailed history taking, mental status examination and physical examination are needed.
A scheme for history taking; * Name, Age & Address of the Patient * Name of the Informant and their relationship to the Patient * History of Present Condition * Family History * Personal History * Past Illness * Personality * Use of Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco etc.
Present Condition: - Symptoms with duration and mode of onset of each, the tie relations between symptoms and any physical disorder, or psychological or social problems, the nature and duration of any impairment, disability and handicap, any treatment received.
Family History: - Parents’ age now or at death, if dead, cause of death, health, occupation, personality, quality of relationship with patient.
Siblings names, ages, marital status, occupation, personality, psychiatric illness and quality of relationship with patient
Social position of family
Atmosphere in the home Any disorders in the family including