The importance of mentoring to develop fresh graduates in work place.
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In today’s rapidly advancing society, there are many fresh graduates from top colleges and universities with good grades who are still unable to meet their work targets or cope with the pace of work.
Before when they enter or just started their first career, they have to face a lot of unknown circumstances and requirements. Therefore, a mentoring program is so much needed to them.
Mentoring is the act to build up a relationship between two people; “mentor” and “mentee”. Mentor will be providing guidance and shared their knowledge and experiences to develop a realistic expectation of the work. The following is some advantages which important:-
1. Help to analysis– Mentor can help mentee assess career strengths and weaknesses and also determine future goals.
2. Help to familiarize – about the important individuals within the field, including sources for new ideas regarding content.
3. Help New Entry smoothly into the new company – become more knowledgeable, understanding and entering into the prevailing culture.
4. Help to provide a safety net – social support in a potentially stressful situation.
5. Help to enhances performance level – giving advice or guides to accelerates learning to support their development.
6. Help to promote development effectively – help to guide the direction and provide feedback, providing technical and professional knowledge and skill to promote development effectively. And also giving proper guidance can avoid the mistakes which will affect performance.
In addition to the above, mentoring programs in organizations can be helpful in improving performance and also achieve higher productivity so may lead to higher job satisfaction. Thus, mentoring during induction period can offer support in :-
1. Help to understand about the working practices