Mentorship Essay.
The NMC (2005) describes the mentor as a “nurse, midwife or specialist community public health nurse who facilitates learning and supervises and assesses students in the practice setting”. Morton-Cooper and Palmer (1993) see the mentor as “someone who provides an enabling relationship which in turn facilitates another’s personal growth and development. They later went on to say in (2000) the mentor takes on numerous roles whilst guiding and supporting the student such as advisor, role model, coach, problem solver, teacher, supporter, organiser and planner, counsellor and guide.
The aim of this essay is to critically analyse, reflect and evaluate my own journey from practitioner …show more content…
Becoming a mentor is an important role within the clinical area. My goals for the future are to improve my ability in assessment and adapt my teaching skills to that of each individual student. Attending mentorship update sessions and developments with regards to paperwork are an integral part of the role of mentor.
I felt I have encouraged my student throughout her placement and gained an honest and trustworthy working relationship. We have given one another constructive feedback on our strengths and weaknesses in ways so we can enhance our practice. This has been an enjoyable but hard at times chapter of my nursing career.
Price (2004) quotes No other teacher in nurse education has the power to shape student practice, knowledge and thinking as mentors do. The student that you support may ask questions that challenge you to think or even change. Helping others to learn is a responsibility and privilege. Colleagues trust you to teach and assess, learners trust you to help them learn. Few roles can be more important than passing on clinical skills and knowledge to others, while caring for patients and …show more content…
Nursing Standard. Vol 17, (36),
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Price b, (2004) Mentoring learners in practice. Nursing Standard vol 18 no