Although merchant banking activity was ushered in two decades ago, it was only in 1992 after the formation of Securities and Exchange Board of India that it is defined and a set of rules and regulations in place. Today a merchant banker is who has the ability to merchandise that is, create or expand a need and fulfill capital requirements.
I have given an overview about the financial markets and the role of merchant bankers in the growth of these markets. My project covers how the merchant banks works, rules & regulations laid by SEBI & its impact on the merchant banking activities. Their importance in the economy is expected to grow even further in the coming years with an increasing proportion of household savings getting invested in corporate & other securities. Hence, my project covers the challenges and advantages, which India will get and is getting by merchant banking activities. I have covered several services provided by Merchant Bankers & the role of Merchant bankers in providing those services to the business world.
Finally, the top players, which exist in merchant banking, are also covered; their services are also been focused. To get the practical knowledge about merchant banking activities I have interviewed visited State bank of India, Kotak mahindra bank and SPA Merchant bankers ltd.
|1. |Introduction |1 |
|2. |History |2 |
|3. |Definition |4 |
|4. |Evolution &
Bibliography: DEFINITION The first authoritative definition for the term ‘Merchant Banker’ has been given in the Rule 2 (e) of SEBI (Merchant Bankers) Rules, 1922 Sec/5 (b) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 defines Banking as “accepting, for the purpose of lending or investment of deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand or otherwise and withdrawable by cheque, draft, order or otherwise”. MERCHANT BANKING IN INDIA In India prior to the enactment of Indian Companies Act, 1956,managing agents acted as issue houses for securities, evaluated project reports, planned capital structure and to some extent provided venture capital for new firms