Introduction of Vioxx
In May of 1999, the FDA approved the use of rofecoxib. Marketed under the name of Vioxx, rofecoxib was manufactured and distributed by Merck, a large pharmaceutical company. Doctors prescribed the drug as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and prescription painkiller. Five years after its release, rofecoxib was withdrawn because of a study that showed the drug more than doubled the risk of heart attack or stroke. Because of Merck’s ongoing and increasing knowledge of the dangerous effects of the drug while continuing to distribute rofecoxib, Merck should be held accountable for acting unethically.
Vigor Study
Less than a year after the drug’s release, a study named Vigor was completed. The study’s intent was to compare Vioxx and naproxen and the drugs’ effects on the gastrointestinal system. Results from the study showed Vioxx lessened internal bleeding but the