English II Pre-AP
Ms. Sifuentes
11 November 2014
Mercy Killing If a loved one is on life support, should you pull the plug? People have their own fate and that is what is set. In Of Mice and Men, author John Steinbeck depicts the fate of Lennie. But if they can’t control what is going to happen to them than a loved one takes the responsibility to choose whether they want to stop the treatment or keep them on the treatment and making them suffer . This is more of torture then caring for them and helping them. Mercy Killing is a justifiable solution, because it ends someone’s life that is either on the line or who’s ill and there is no way the will make it, meaning they don’t have to suffer. To begin …show more content…
with mercy killing should be plaudit is just the right choice for anyone in a death or suffering situation. In a death or suffering situation you have to be on life support and there’s alive then a machine. You're technically not even there, you not even breathing on your own; everything is being done for you to keep you alive. The prolonged of treatment leads to long pain, long time of suffering takes place and more damaged is done rather than simply restraining the life support. It also a waste of treatment for other patients who actually have a chance of recovery. When Lennie had been accused of rape when he actually did nothing but panic and have no idea what to do. George had to abide all the small things that Lennie did it was only so long that It was then only his fate to be murdered by the men or George. His fate was death just like the other victims of mercy killing. They are many cases of mercy killing. It’s something worldwide most cases the same. One big case that made headlines for a long time was The Terri Schiavo case. Terri Schiavo was in a vegetative state in 1990, and stayed in that state for 15 year until all her doctors agreed that there was no hope of recovery, no hope. Her husband-Michael Schiavo- stated that he wanted his wife off life support. As oppose to her parents who totally disagreed with what he was saying. Michael won over the court and Terri’s feeding tubes were disconnected. She passed away peacefully (March 31, 2005) after the suffering of 15 years. This is just one of the cases that happen every day. In the same way when Lennie was born he wasn't like other kids he was a little bit more special. He was taken care of by his aunt, but when she passed away George was there. George was like his treatment as if he were a patient. George was the one who kept the noxious Lennie in line making sure he didn't get into trouble. But just the same as treatment, it was only so long before Lennie wasn't going to have George there for him. Then what? How would Lennie survive? He wouldn't. That why George’s decision was the only way to go. There was no hope for poor Lennie. Naming another reasoning statement agreeing to mercy killing is that in all these cases, there family members who are quandary about the situation and don't want the patient or loved one pass away and they waste all the resources of the hospital and in all around hospital, decreasing the supplies for other patients who really need it. Then again the hospital just gets more money for the longer the patient stays and the family member’s hospital bills just skyrocket, leaving with money problems or in worst cases….. deep in a pile of debt. Suffering is what people hate the most. It’s just so painful and long, it’s something not many people can handle. When you're on a hospital bed and just supported by machines, you’re suffering. It’s something that’s inevitable. The people around Lennie were just suffering from his unthought decisions, but he basically couldn't control them he was mentally ill and would be like that for the rest of his life. Leaving mercy killing as the answer. As has been said, Mercy killing is the justifiable solution, ending someone’s life that is either on the line or who’s ill, and there is no way the will make it, meaning they don’t have to suffer is the right thing to do. Of course there is some opposing thought about this such as; its murder! The patients have the enfranchise to live on if they want no matter what condition they are in, and it’s inhumane. But really, making someone live on a hospital bed or just ill. Never have a normal life. Never live again. Is worse than murder. Murder is just quick and over no suffering. Mercy killing is the right choice it stops the suffering and torture of a loved one.
Yes, it’s somewhat inhumane to some people, but it makes people suffer more and longs them of being supported in life, not independent like everyone should. It’s not only the patient suffering it’s the family. By letting the ill person out of their misery like George does to Lennie, there was no way around the fact that he is now destined to death. Just the same a person with cancer or is brain dead, there’s no way out. Your trapped in your own body, you’re no longer leaving, but then again it just the last phase in life. Your are not the only one that will go through this. It your choice and your loved ones to either make it quick and unpainful or long suffering. No one wants to see their loved one suffer there last days on earth with tubes connected to them surrounded by machines. And you don't have to waste all you’re saving and hard work on the outrageous hospital bills and the hospitals will have more resources and hospital beds for other patients in like or curable situation. And lastly, you it gives the ill person peace and final resting with no worries, no disease, no mental illness, no suffer. Yet there are those people who wish so much they could have their loved ones back, but wouldn't you also want the best for them if you were in a situation like how would you feel? Would you feel lost because you wouldn't know what to do? Or powerless because there’s nothing you can do to help that person? Someone’s life is in your hand. What would you
Anadiplosis- To begin with mercy killing is just the right choice for anyone in a death or suffering situation. In a death or suffering situation you have to be on life support and there’s nothing else keeping you alive then a machine.
Asyndeton- The prolonged of treatment leads to long pain, long time of suffering takes place and more damaged is done rather than simply restraining the life support.
Epanalepsis- Terri Schiavo was in a vegetative state in 1990, and stayed in that state for 15 year until all her doctors agreed that there was no hope of recovery, no hope.
Anaphora- Never have a normal life. Never live again.
Polysyndeton- And lastly, you it gives the ill person peace and final resting with no worries, no disease, no mental illness, no suffer.
Words of the Week
Plaudit, Quandary, Restraining, Enfranchise, Noxious
Work Cites
Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. New York: Penguin, 1993. Print.