“Mercy killing, . . . is essentially an act by one person that is designed to end the life of another who is suffering” (qtd wisegeek). This is a humane way of dying, which is dignified, safe, and causes the least amount of emotional pain for the family.
Ed Gogol, Final Options Illinois, states, …show more content…
John R Peteet, a journalist for New Boston Post, wrote “not to escape intolerable physical symptoms, but to re-establish a sense of dignity and control.” The research has been done. Most use this option, not as a way out, but a way to take control of their lives again.
ProCon.org, a web site of facts and arguments, states, "The right of a competent, terminally ill person to avoid excruciating pain and embrace a timely and dignified death” is a right of man. These are one of the few rights everyone has and can not be taken away.
Some believe that assisted suicide is a form of murder. “The mere possibility that such consequences might occur, as noted earlier, does not constitute such evidence" (ProCon.org). Assisted suicide would be monitored by doctors and government. Permission to euthanize the patient would come from the person, their will, or family.
Many people have life wills, these wills can stop someone, by their choice, from being put in a coma or on life support. Many suffering patients feel they need their death, to be in their hands, and their