Bibliography: Vachris, M.Albert. "Federal Antitrust Enforcement: A Principal-Agent Perspective." Public Choice 88.3 (1996): 223. Web. 9 Dec 2010. Elhauge, Richard. "The Scope of Antitrust Process." Harvard Law Review 104.3 (1991): 668. Web. 9 Dec 2010. Tan, Yingzi Green, Milford, and Robert Cromley. "The Horizontal Merger: Its Motives and Spatial Employment Impacts." Economic Geography 58.4 (1982): 359. Web. 9 Dec 2010. Higgens, Richard. "Vertical Merger: Monopolization for Downstream Quasi-Rents." Managerial and Decision Economics 30.3 (2009): 193. Web. 9 Dec 2010. Sun, Yang. "Coca-Cola purchase of China 's Huiyuan fails to pass antimonopoly review." Xinhua News-China View Mar 18, 2009, early ed.: B1. Print. Weaver, Samuel, Robert Harris, and Kenneth Mackenzie Hemphill, T.J. "Antitrust, Dynamic Competition and Business Ethics." Journal of Business Ethics 50.2 (2004): 129. Web. 9 Dec 2010. Moody, Andrew
Bibliography: Vachris, M.Albert. "Federal Antitrust Enforcement: A Principal-Agent Perspective." Public Choice 88.3 (1996): 223. Web. 9 Dec 2010. Elhauge, Richard. "The Scope of Antitrust Process." Harvard Law Review 104.3 (1991): 668. Web. 9 Dec 2010. Tan, Yingzi Green, Milford, and Robert Cromley. "The Horizontal Merger: Its Motives and Spatial Employment Impacts." Economic Geography 58.4 (1982): 359. Web. 9 Dec 2010. Higgens, Richard. "Vertical Merger: Monopolization for Downstream Quasi-Rents." Managerial and Decision Economics 30.3 (2009): 193. Web. 9 Dec 2010. Sun, Yang. "Coca-Cola purchase of China 's Huiyuan fails to pass antimonopoly review." Xinhua News-China View Mar 18, 2009, early ed.: B1. Print. Weaver, Samuel, Robert Harris, and Kenneth Mackenzie Hemphill, T.J. "Antitrust, Dynamic Competition and Business Ethics." Journal of Business Ethics 50.2 (2004): 129. Web. 9 Dec 2010. Moody, Andrew